The executive director of the New Hampshire Lottery Commission, Charles McIntyre, said he expects a decision on their Wire Act lawsuit before the end of May, even as arguments in the case begin in about a week.
The justice system can sometimes move slowly, but McIntyre predicts a fairly quick resolution. He stated that he expects Judge Paul J. Barbadoro to render his decision before the end of May.
“In a statutory issue,” McIntyre said. “There’s a lot of things to look at. We’re talking about a law passed pre-internet. Most laws have been updated to reflect technology, and this one obviously hasn’t. He’s a very deliberate, considerate judge, so I think he’ll take at least 30 to 40 days to make a decision.”
Although he anticipates at least a month of deliberation, McIntyre also expects the judge to consider the way an extended timeline could impact the state’s budget.
More on the Wire Act lawsuit at Online Poker Report.