The 50-State iGaming Initiative: Hawaii to Iowa

US Gaming 2Poker News – Internet gaming, also known as iGaming, is spreading on a state-by-state basis. Nevada, Delaware, and New Jersey have already passed legislation and are reaping the tax benefits, while other states such as California and Pennsylvania are primed to follow in their footsteps.

Despite efforts by Sheldon Adelson and his cronies, it seems iGaming is inevitable, but as I. Nelson Rose, Professor of Law at Whittier Law School, said in a Casino Enterprise Management gaming forecast, it’ll take time.

“Two years ago, I wrote that developments on the Internet are like dog years,” Rose said. “It might have taken five decades to go from complete prohibition to today, when every state except Utah and Hawaii has commercial gambling. It won’t take nearly as long for every state to have Internet poker and casinos.”

While some states are actively involved in the iGaming discussion, others have yet to enter the fray. To help make sense of it all, PokerNews will undertake a 50-state initiative; one that seeks to update you on the current iGaming landscape for each state in the union.