Tag: sports betting
The NFL in London: Sports Betting and All
Sunday, on the way to an NFL game, fans can step into one of the numerous betting parlors that dot each city block here. They can wager on that afternoon’s game (or any NFL) game, such as whether Baltimore will defeat Jacksonville by 3.5 or more points. Or they can play the over/under of 39.5. Or even wager whether or not it will snow in Glasgow on Christmas Day (3/1 yes). They can even wait until they take their seats inside Wembley Stadium, pull out their smart phones and gamble during live action. All legally. The world will not end….
Why the U.S. Sports Betting Ban Must be Lifted
The sports betting ban in America is not simply a matter of personal belief, it’s a matter of law! The U.S. Supreme Court will soon hear the argument to allow sports betting, and they should allow states to decide this issue for themselves. Hear why we believe this will actually happen! Hello my friends! And welcome again to This Week in Gambling! I’m J Todd, back after my two-week summer vacation. I’ve made it home just in time for the beginning of fall, and that means football kickoffs and baseball playoffs! Plus, this week’s big story! Twenty states have now…
New Jersey’s Moves to Legalize Sports Betting: American Gaming Association backs them
News emanating from top American news outlets has unequivocally confirmed that the American Gaming Association has officially taken sides with 20 American states to support New Jersey’s quest to legalize sports betting and casino in the state. New Jersey’s latest appeal is coming on the heels of a concerted and long drawn out legal battle which has seen several courts strike out appeals by the state to overthrow the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act, which prohibits sports betting in all but four states within the American Union. If New Jersey emerges victorious in court, then it would have achieved…
20 States Join New Jersey Sports Betting Fight
The American Gaming Association has joined with several states the New Jersey sports betting battle. The AGA and the states have filed briefs to the U.S. Supreme Court in support of New Jersey’s attempts to offer betting on sporting events in the state. New Jersey has made several appeals as courts have repeatedly struck down its attempts to overthrow the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act, which bans sports betting in all but four states. New Jersey’s latest attempt seeks to decriminalize sports betting by allowing unregulated sports betting at casinos and racetracks. The push for legalized New Jersey sports…
US Congress Bets the Constitution on Sports Betting Case
The Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA), which Congress passed in 1992, forbids states from “authorizing” sports betting “by law.” As every middle-schooler learns, however, our Constitution establishes dual sovereignty between the states and the federal government. And as the Supreme Court most recently held in New York v. United States (1992) and Printz v. United States (1997), the Constitution forbids Congress from “commandeering” state officials to serve federal ends, whether by forcing states to enforce federal laws or to pass new state laws (or to refrain from repealing old ones), which is exactly what PASPA does. In 2011,…
Federal Sports Betting Legislation Gets Tribal Support
Whilst state governments are pushing for a legal sports betting industry nationwide, Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (NJ-06) introduced a bill to regulate national operations. Sports betting sector is federally banned in the United States, as the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act of 1992 (PASPA) only allows operations in Oregon, Delaware, Montana and Nevada. Pallone’s bill was supported by tribal operators, which will be included as potential bidders during the licensing process, as a source revealed to Legal Sports Report. The federal legislation would not interfere with the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (IGRA) nor affect the current gaming agreements between…