Tag: sports betting
The Sports Betting March Across America
This week’s gambling news finds the march of regulated sports betting across America continuing! Eight states have legalized the activity with over 20 more now considering legislation to do the same! NBC Sports recently rolled out a bet on sports game which closely resembles in-play betting! Plus, another state is considering online poker and casino regulation! Elements of the Predict the Game contest and real-time data will be displayed on a graphic overlay surrounding the regular live-game presentation. These stats will be similar to those displayed in a sports gambling environment, such as win-probability data, moving money line and spread….
In-Play Sports Betting Debuts in America
NBC Sports rolled out a predictions game during its live broadcast of an NBA basketball game this evening. The contest between the Washington Wizards and Milwaukee Bucks was the first in America to feature this format more commonly found with in-play sports betting. Elements of the Predict the Game contest and real-time data will be displayed on a graphic overlay surrounding the regular live-game presentation. These stats will be similar to those displayed in a sports betting environment, such as win-probability data, moving money line and spread. Fans wanting to try the in-play sports betting game will have to answer a…
US Sports Betting: Federal Regulation vs Oversight
Sports Betting Federal regulation is under consideration, even as the activity explodes across the United States. Legislation has either passed or is currently under consideration in over half the states in America. Sports Betting Federal Regulation is under consideration, even as the activity explodes across the United States. Legislation has either passed or is currently under consideration in over half the states in America. However, there are some in Congress that feel they need to take control of sports betting regulation. A new federal bill has been put forth to take regulation away from the states and give control back…
Tennessee Sports Betting Under Consideration
Don’t look now, but another state has an eye on gambling. Tennessee sports betting has jumped onto the radar in the form of the Tennessee Sports Gaming Act. When the Supreme Court of the United States struck down the federal betting sports ban last year, all experts expected a torrent of state legislation to follow. Tennessee is proving them right, with a new proposed bill in the works. “Local Memphis” reports the Tennessee Sports Gaming Act will give local governments the right to decide if they want sports betting locations in their area. If approved, local communities could “then petition…
Wire Act Opinion Ready to be Reversed by US DoJ
The Department of Justice is preparing an opinion that will likely reverse their previous Wire Act opinion, and state that the act applies to all forms of online gambling… not just sports betting. Online Poker Report learned that the new opinion could come down before the New Year. The exact content of the opinion is unknown, and OPR has not seen the actual opinion. It’s also not a guarantee that the opinion is ultimately issued. The news also comes amid reports that a pair of senators are planning to introduce sports betting legislation as soon as today. That legislation would…
US Federal Oversight and Regulation of Sports Betting Possible
A pair of U.S. senators from opposing parties is proposing a Federal oversight of sports betting in order to take back control of the activity in America. This is the first formal move by Congress after a Supreme Court ruling reopened a complex debate over fans betting on games and who controls the action. Several states have begun offering sports betting after New Jersey won a long-fought challenge in May, and many others are expected to take up the issue during new legislative sessions in 2019 as a way to generate millions in revenue. The federal bill introduced Wednesday by Sen….