MGM Hacker Arrested in Spain

It’s been a long time coming, but several days ago a man suspected of being an MGM hacker was arrested while trying to board a plane in Europe. You probably recall that both MGM and Caesars properties in Las Vegas were the victims of a coordinated cyber attack in September of last year. Now, a British citizen is in custody. The attack ended up costing millions of dollars for both companies while causing widespread chaos at the effected resorts. It also triggered an investigation by the Federal Trade Commission,which led to a subsequent lawsuit from MGM Resorts against the FTC…

MGM Cyber Attack Results in Mass Outages

Reports of a massive MGM cyber attack spread quickly across social media platforms yesterday, as the company faced major outages at its resorts. The outages were not restricted to Las Vegas and took down slot machines, ATM’s, electronic room key access, guest services, the ability to process credit cards, and the company website. The company seemed reluctant to label this an “attack”, and instead are calling it an “issue”. And it’s a large issue at that. The MGM cyber attack that wasn’t resulted in the company feeling that their best course of action was to completely shut down their systems……