casino table games

How to Manage Your Money When Playing Casino Games

Gambling can be an exciting and entertaining pastime, but it also carries the risk of heavy financial losses. Whether you play poker, blackjack, roulette, baccarat or any other gambling360 casino games, managing your finances is key if you want to stay in control and maximize your fun. Let’s see below how to manage money when playing casino games. Set a budget Before you start playing, it is important to set a budget for your gambling activities. Decide how much money you are willing to lose and make sure that you stick to it. Set win/loss limits It is also important…

Deck of Dice combines two casino games into something new

Venture Beat – Deck of Dice, a startup with a product of the same name, has a clever idea. It puts an entire deck of 54 playing cards (jokers included) on a set of nine six-sided dice. So it’s like combining dice and playing cards in a new kind of game. If it plays its cards right, or maybe gets a lucky dice roll, it could create a brand new entry among the 100-year-old casino games that collectively make up a $391 billion gambling business worldwide. It’s a potentially disruptive idea, and could lead to the creation of multiple games…