“Stake Me To Play” soon to launch in U.K.

Zemanta Related Posts ThumbnailFrom Poker Fuse – Stake Me To Play is looking to coral some new horses for their soon-to-launch poker staking stable.

The new company, based in Essex, UK, is set to open its doors later this week and is currently accepting applicants on their website.

Stake Me To Play seeks to mentor young grinders and partner with experienced winners looking for bankroll relief.

While online staking is not new, Stake Me To Play hopes to do it a little differently by offering its players one-on-one coaching, access to their headquarters in Essex, free subscriptions to online training sites—even a guaranteed monthly income.

Also promised are “unbelievable incentives” for high volume or good results, including holiday packages to Las Vegas and access to two company BMWs.

“Our number one priority is our players, whose best interests are at the heart of everything we do,” Paul Conroy-Frost, Stake Me Operations Director, told pokerfuse via email. “We are building a community with regular socials and are giving our guys all the support and motivation they need to be as profitable as they can be.”

The specifics of the staking deal—profit percentages, make-up terms, minimum amount of play, applicant criteria, etc.—have not yet been revealed, though the website does promise “the largest profit splits in the industry.”