Singapore Resolute To Eliminate Illegal Online Gambling

online – The laws of the land are sometimes difficult to understand but when it comes to laws Singapore has a few that would instil fear in most law abiding citizens. The Southeast Asian city has some strict laws on its books with everything from a stiff fine or possible jail time for littering or chewing gum and No hugging without permission or one could be charged for outraging modesty.
Online gambling is currently illegal in Singapore but Government plans to adopt new rules to regulate online betting. In the mean time arrests have been made regarding an alleged match fixing gang that was located on the island nation. Singapore’s police took a major step recently when it arrested 14 people in the country for involvement in match-fixing. The move comes seven months after the country was tagged by Europol, the EU law enforcement agency, as the epicenter of a global football match-fixing. The match fixing syndicate would have connections all over Asia and Europe.

The police say those arrested were detained “on suspicion of being part of an organized crime group involved with match fixing activities.” “Singapore is committed to eradicate match-fixing as a transnational crime and protect the integrity of the sport,”
While match fixing is a concern since Europol’s anti corruption efforts revealed that Singapore is at the center of match fixing activities in Asia Singapore says it is going to work closely with European authorities to root out this scourge of the sport world.

A study expected to be complete before the end of 2013 conducted by the government will reveal how they will “restrict access to, and patronage of, online gambling platforms”
Singapore’s Second Minister for Home Affairs, S. Iswaran commented on the laws on online gambling in Singapore saying, “In Singapore, we remain resolute in our commitment to especially protect minors and vulnerable groups in our society from the harms of gambling, be it terrestrial or virtual,” he said. “Therefore, the Government is studying measures that can be taken against online gambling, and to restrict access to, and patronage of, online gambling platforms.”