Mixing health and fitness with online poker

Zemanta Related Posts ThumbnailPoker Stars – Playing online poker can be a grind. It’s often difficult for players to find time to eat healthy or exercise when sitting in front of a computer. Five-minute breaks in tournaments don’t allow much time for cooking healthy meals, and multi-tabling at the gym can be quite a challenge.

It is possible, however, to be healthy while playing online poker. Kristy Arnett finds time for fitness no matter her schedule, whether playing live poker or conducting PokerStars.TV interviews from places like Barcelona.

Better Body for Better Poker is a new series of videos that Kristy offers exclusively to PokerStars Women. Even so, all online poker players can benefit from her tips, which range from creating a nutritious smoothie during a five-minute tournament break to keeping healthy snacks on hand while playing, as well as exercises that can be done to keep mind and body feeling good.

It’s no secret that health and fitness are key factors in poker success, and Kristy shows that it is easier than most players tend to believe.


Green smoothies are all the rage in health circles these days. And you can make one in just a few minutes with the right ingredients on hand.

Stretch! Stretches are a great way to keep the energy flowing while sitting for long periods of time at the computer.

Snacks And keeping snacks nearby during grind sessions are important to staying alert and focused. With a little preparation, a player can stay fortified for hours and hours.

The PokerStars YouTube channel has a plethora of videos for your enjoyment. Mark it as a favorite channel so you won’t miss any of Kristy’s future videos!

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