california sports betting

California Card Rooms Fear New Rules

The Bureau of Gambling Control have proposed new California card rooms rules that have many of the establishments saying they will be forced to close if they are enforced. California has over 70 card rooms, many in urban centers where tribal casinos don’t operate. In addition to poker, these clubs also operate pai gow poker, blackjack and baccarat.  If new rules proposed by the state Bureau of Gambling Control are adopted, card room operators say, playing the games will be so complicated, players will go to tribal casinos that aren’t bound by such rules. The bureau has been holding hearings…

PokerStars Pennsylvania Exceeds Expectations

Not long ago we were all waiting for the launch of online poker in the Keystone State. Now, just over a month after launch, PokerStars Pennsylvania is outperforming all the estimates. Tournament traffic has been very high: the turnout for the ongoing PACOOP has been so strong that PokerStars has already upped the guarantees by over 20%. But perhaps the clearest sign of its strong first month is its cash game traffic. Based on data tracked by independent monitor GameIntel, available on the PRO Data platform and available exclusively to PokerFuse under license, cash game traffic hit an average of…

Pennsylvania Online Poker Launch Date

PokerStars will become the first web poker site in the Keystone State, as Pennsylvania online poker kicks off November 4th… although it will only be a test launch. Still, the wait is over and the games are about to begin! At a recent meeting of the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board a spokesperson confirmed that they have staff “…prepared to initiate and oversee a test launch this Monday… it would include the testing of a poker game”. This means that Pennsylvania online poker will not yet be available for everyone… just that they are testing the software and preparing to go…

Alleged Poker Cheat Mike Postle Lawsuit

In the wake of the alleged poker cheat Mike Postle saga, a number of questions have been on the minds of thousands around the world following the story’s every twist and turn. One such question: while nearly everyone seems to agree that Postle cheated, what exactly can be done about it? Now an answer may have emerged, as Postle, Stones Gambling Hall, Stones Tournament Director Justin Kuraitis and a number of other unnamed defendants have been hit with a $10 million lawsuit, according to a publicly posted court document from Mac VerStandig, attorney for the plaintiffs. Nine counts are laid…

New Poker Cheating Scandal

A new poker cheating scandal has rocked the gambling world, and even the main stream media is picking up the story. Mike Postle, a former casino employee, has been accused by insider whistle blowers of cheating the Stones Live Poker game in Northern California out of upwards of $250,000, rarely playing above stakes of $5-$5 no-limit hold’em for the last couple of years. Although charges have yet to be filed, the developing story was picked up by ESPN, who ran a segment with Scott Van Pelt on SportsCenter, explaining the allegations. Van Pelt, who admitted he was just a poker…

online gambling

The Artificial Intelligence Threat to Online Gambling

A computer scientists from Carnegie Mellon University recently  announced the development of an artificial intelligence that is “stronger than human professionals” in the most popular version of poker. While the code has not been released because it could have a serious impact on the online poker market. The AI strategy was developed for a cloud-computing cost of just $144 in 8 days, runs on normal computers, plays twice as fast as professional players and could be adapted for any poker variant. The emergence of superhuman poker bots in the online ecosystem now appears to be a matter of when, not…