New York

New York Online Poker Bill Returns for 2020

Here’s to hoping that the eighth time is a charm for New York online poker. Lawmakers in the Empire State are once again consider online poker legislation, following a nearly zero progress through 2019. State Senator Joseph Addabbo is once again at the helm of the 2020 push. But New York lawmakers have filed bills to regulate online poker every year since 2014 without success, and the new legislation remains unchanged from 2019. The state Constitution prohibits these sorts of games with a few exceptions, including the regulated commercial casino industry. The enabling law does not, however, include any authorization…

Online Casino

Gordon Ramsay Wants His Own Online Casino Games

The foul-mouthed, abusive and arrogant celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay seems to want one more claim to fame: his own online casino games. According to a report from The Sun, Ramsay plans to develop  games based on his reality television show Hell’s Kitchen. The British media outlet is reporting that Ramsay applied for a trademark with the UK Intellectual Property Office, and on his application indicated that the trademark was for computer programs for “playing casino, gambling and betting games.” It is not known when these online casino games could launch and Ramsay hasn’t made any official comment on the application…

Wire Act Online Gambling Case Returns for 2020

We’re kicking off the New Year with gambling news on the Department of Justice Wire Act online gambling case! Discussion includes Sheldon Adelson, Joe Biden and the Coalition to Stop Internet Gambling. Also, Virtual Reality is taking over Las Vegas. Soon, players may be able to use VR to bring Vegas to them! Hello friends so good to be back for 2020 after taking some time off for the holidays but enough chitchat let’s get right back into things with this week’s big story. December 20th was the deadline for the US Department of Justice to file their appeal in…

Adelson Rears Ugly Head Against Internet Gambling

Sheldon Adelson’s lobbying entity, the Coalition to Stop Internet Gambling, has crawled back from the sewer. It seems that the Justice Department fight in the Wire Act case with New Hampshire has given them some confidence. Just a few days later, CSIG joined the DOJ’s case with another voluminous amicus filing. Neither the DOJ nor CSIG have offered anything new this time around, instead opting for an expansion of the tired and adjudged incorrect legal arguments that were refuted in earlier rulings. The latest CSIG amicus brief incorporates large chunks of its May 2019 brief verbatim, including many of the…

DOJ Wire Act Position Standing Firm

Despite having their butts handed to them by a Federal Judge last June, the DOJ Wire Act position refuses to budge. Not even a little. In fact, they are doubling down on their bet that with 1961 act applies to the internet and all forms of gambling. The New Hampshire District Court ruled last year that the Wire Act only applies to sports betting — and not to online gambling more broadly. That decision threw a fat wrench in the government’s plans to broaden the scope of the antiquated 46 year old statute via a 2018 memorandum, which flew in…

Joe Biden: Wire Act Restriction Unnecessary

With election season now officially underway, we all need to consider the most important issues. Namely, what is their position on the Wire Act and internet gambling! Now, former US Vice President Joe Biden has weighed in on his federal gambling policy. After addressing a crowd in Las Vegas in December, Biden’s campaign told CDC Gaming Reports that he “doesn’t support adding unnecessary restrictions to the gaming industry like the Trump Administration has done.” Subsequent remarks touched on both traditional and online gambling, including the ongoing legal battle over the latter. The Democratic front runner rebuked the administration for its…