Australian city council votes for casino development on island

Zemanta Related Posts ThumbnailGold Cost – Gold Coast City councillors today voted to continue their support for a cruise ship terminal and possible casino development despite protests from many residents.

But recent confidential reports on the Broadwater made public in Gold Coast Bulletin reports and the protest from residents about hidden scientific studies appears to have caused division among councillors on the project.

Councillors at this afternoon’s full council meeting were supposed to reaffirm “support of the State’s casino opportunity as part of an integrated tourism development that includes a cruise ship terminal”.

A Bulletin report earlier today publicised the vote after southern-based councillor Chris Robbins said she would vote against the casino following widespread debate about the issue on her Facebook page.

A poll of more than 800 people on by 1pm today showed 82 per cent of people were opposed to a casino with only 18 per cent providing support for the proposal.

Before the council committee recommendation was debated by all councillors, Mayor Tom Tate successfully moved that the section calling for council to reaffirm its vote for a casino be removed since councillors had already supported that motion at previous meetings.

Councillors were then asked to vote on advising the shortlisted proponents of the project that it had a “no cost, no risk position”.

Mayor Tate will also write to Deputy Premier Jeff Seeney requesting that council be allowed to have a “confidential review and approval opportunity” once an evaluation team completed its report to the Government on the proponents.

“It doesn’t hurt to tap the Deputy Premier. We’re not very far away,” Cr Tate told councillors.

But Cr Robbins, after speaking against the motion, was supported by councillors Daphne McDonald, Greg Betts, Glenn Tozer and Margaret Grummitt who did not support the revamped motions on the project.